The Art of Coercion: Credible Threats and the Assurance Dilemma (Cornell University Press, Studies in Security Affairs series, forthcoming August 2025). [link]
Peer-Reviewed Articles
“Damned If They Do, Damned If They Don't: The Assurance Dilemma in International Coercion,” International Security, Vol. 49, No. 1 (2024): 91-132. [link]
“The Psychology of Nuclear Brinkmanship,” International Security, Vol. 47, No. 3 (Winter 2022/2023): 9-51. With Rose McDermott. [working paper version] [ungated link]
“Wargaming for International Relations Research,” European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 28, No. 1 (2022): 83-109. With Erik Lin-Greenberg and Jacquelyn Schneider. [working paper version] [link]
“Deniability in the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime: The Upside of the Dual-Use Dilemma,” International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 66, Iss. 1 (2022). [link]
“Caught Red-Handed: How States Wield Proof to Coerce Wrongdoers,” International Security, Vol. 46, No. 2 (Fall 2021): 7-50. With Cullen G. Nutt. [pdf]
“Would U.S. Leaders Push the Button? Wargames and the Sources of Nuclear Restraint,” International Security, Vol. 43, No. 2 (Fall 2018): 151-192. [pdf]
“Bedeviled by a Paradox: Nitze, Bundy, and an Incipient Nuclear Norm,” The Nonproliferation Review, Vol. 22, Iss. 3-4 (2015): 441-455. [pdf]
Book Chapters
Op-Eds, Essays, and Book Reviews
“The Psychology of Nuclear Brinkmanship,” H-Diplo|Robert Jervis International Security Studies Forum, Policy Roundtable II-5, August 4, 2023. With Rose McDermott.
“Don’t Be So Confident in Nuclear Decision-Making,” Lawfare, February 26, 2023. With Rose McDermott.
“What to Do When Predicting Pandemics,” Foreign Policy, September 11, 2020.
“The Tangled Fates of Pittsburgh and Paris,” War on the Rocks, June 12, 2017.
“The Pioneering Role of CIS in American War Gaming,” Précis, Fall 2015.
“History, Close Calls, and Nuclear Materials Security,” co-authored with Scott D. Sagan, commissioned by the Nuclear Threat Initiative for preparation of the Nuclear Materials Security Index 2.0, December 2012.